1969 Woodside Lane • Virginia Beach, VA 23454
(757) 481-0577 ext 3

Parents And Teachers Together for CHildren

PATTCH is Our Parent-Teacher Association
What does PATTCH do? We add to our children’s school experiences through enrichment activities. When there is a need, we raise money for new school equipment. Parents at All Saints’ Day School sign up early in the school year to chair, co-chair, or simply be a committee member during one or more of the year’s events.
PATTCH leaders work with the preschool director and teachers to determine the activities for the year. The following events have been staples at the school for many years:
MEET AND GREET – September Coffees for Parents after student drop-off.
FALL FESTIVAL – This Halloween favorite has been done many ways but always incorporates fun fall outdoor activities, a Halloween parade, arts and crafts, and treats. Parents are needed to coordinate activities, man the booths, set up, and clean up. (During school hours)
FAMILY FEAST – This is a Thanksgiving luncheon. This committee has parents sign up to bring in all the makings for a great Thanksgiving Feast. They set up the tables and arrange the donated food items. Then our families gather together in Baines Hall and enjoy a fun filled family feast. Parents, grandparents and siblings are welcome. (During school hours)
HOLIDAY GIFT SHOP – A great December opportunity to re-gift all those quirky, fabulous, but not-your-style gifts you have received over the years. This committee communicates with parents, collects gift items and displays them in Baines Hall. Each child has the opportunity to “shop” for his parents. The kids take this very seriously and it is funny to see “the perfect gift” they pick out for you! (During school hours)
SPIRIT WEEK – Our January opportunity for the children to dress up each day of school. The committee members will select the themes for each day.
ART SHOW – Our children have some of their finest masterpieces on display throughout the All Saints’ walls and halls. The Art Show committee is responsible for communicating with the teachers, collecting and hanging art from each of the classes throughout the building.
CHKD TRIKE-A-THON – This April event is a way for our children to start learning the meaning of giving back to the community. Children raise money and ride their bikes, trikes, scooters, etc. during the school day. The money they raise will go to CHKD.
TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK – The title of this week in May speaks for itself. This committee sets up a week full of little “thank yous” for our teachers. (During school hours)
END OF THE YEAR CELEBRATION – This is the final May event of the year and one the children really look forward to. This committee sets up sprinklers, kiddy pools, bubbles, moon walk, snow cone machine, and a picnic type lunch for a fun filled day outside for the whole school. The kids run, laugh, and play together marking a fun filled end to a great school year. (During school hours)
FOOD LION – Our Food Lion code is 219550 and all you have to do is link your MVP card by registering it at FoodLionMVPRewards.com. Every time our supporters spend on Food Lion store brand products it earns ASDS 1 point. The points can then be redeemed for supplies at the end of the school year.
KROGER – Kroger has a wonderful program that nets our school cash. You must go on-line to register your existing Kroger Plus fob with All Saints’ Day School and designate your Kroger Store. Linking your fob to All Saints’ doe not affect your gas points.
HARRIS TEETER – Harris Teeter’s Together in Education (TIE) programJust link or re-link your VIC card. You may do this at any Harris Teeter check-out register or Customer Service Desk, or by visiting www.harristeeter.com. TIE begins anew on August 1 of each year. Our school’s username is TIE3176 and our password is FU2tNUJPwE.