1969 Woodside Lane • Virginia Beach, VA 23454
(757) 481-0577 ext 3


All Saints’ Day School is privileged to work with many wonderful families. Together, we form a community that nurtures the children we are honored to share. Below are some of the comments parents have sent our way.
“Both of our children spent all of their preschool years—including their wonderful prekindergarten days —at ASDS. We would not have had it any other way! The entire staff will always be considered our family!”
Betti Lindauer
Parent of two grads who attended age 2-K-Prep
“So at Liam’s conference, his teacher told me she had never met a kindergartener with a better foundation for reading. I think you [Teacher Kristyn] deserve credit for that!”
Kim McCleren
Mother of a public school kindergartener
“I can’t thank you enough for all of the time and effort you put into making the 4’s class the “place to be” at ASDS. I appreciate so many little improvements that I know he learned from you from the way he holds his pencil, to his interest in letters and making beautiful art.”
Cathy Jumper
Mother of a rising K-Prep
“Thank you so much for making such a huge impact in such a short time. I’ve never seen anyone connect with him the way that you did. You are a very talented person.”
Sarah Hoover
Mother of a rising K-Prep
"Rowan had his kindergarten assessment today which went very well and is a huge testament to everything you do with them in K-prep! Hope you are having a great summer!”
Laura Smith
Mother of K-Prep grad
“[Our daughter] has really developed socially and mentally, largely due to her wonderful teachers.”
Kim Purton
Mother of a 2-year-old
“I had Kylie’s [public school] conference today and finally saw some of her work and
wanted to tell you that your class [Teacher Kristyn] really prepared her! Her journal entries and phonetic spelling and knowing author/illustrator were also familiar to her thanks to your class. You said your K-Prep goal was to make kindergarten more of a review and you really delivered on that! Thank you!!!”
Lisa Flanigan
Mother of a grad and public school kindergartener